I accidentally made a payment twice. Can I get a refund?

If you mistakenly paid for subscription twice, you can get a refund. However, purchasing Todo Math is done through the Apple's App Store or the Google Play Store. Therefore, you need to request a refund directly from the Apple App Store or Google Play Store where the payment was made. Please proceed with the refund request according to the guide below.

Refund for a one- or two-year- subscription from App Store (Apple iPhone, iPad)

  1. Go to Apple's Report a Problem <2>page.
  2. Sign in to your account.
  3. Find Todo Math and tap the Report button.
  4. Select an appropriate reason for refund.

Refund for a one- or two-year- subscription from Google Play (Android)

In accordance with Google's policy, you must request a refund directly to Google Play. As soon as your request for refund is accepted, you will receive a cancellation statement at the email registered in your account.

In regards to Google Play refund, refer to this page.

If you need help with the process, contact support@todomath.com.

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